22 Krazy pieces
What's your name?
Rebecca aka 22Krazypieces
Where are you based?
I grew up in Anchorage, Alaska. Raised my family in Seattle, Washington and an currently live in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Tell us about what your ordinary day looks like.
My husband and I became empty nester's a few years ago, although we prefer to call ourselves 'Unsupervised'. On an ordinary day we take care of the animals, husband does his thing and I'll typically start puzzling with my coffee.
How did you get into the world of puzzling?
I've puzzled as long as I can remember. I saved my babysitting & newspaper route money as a kid to buy puzzles. When I got a 'real' job bagging groceries at 14 ~ every week on payday I'd wander into the mall to purchase a Springbok puzzle and a book. Oh how I wished I kept them all. I didn't puzzle as often over the years while raising young kids, but I would get a random one in here and there. Puzzles became my whole life ~ by accident, around 2016. My very active life had come to a screeching halt when I injured myself and never recovered in 2010. Now, I live with high impact chronic pain. Around 2016 on Amazon, I stumbled into one of the very first (vintage!) 1000 piece puzzles I ever solved.. and absolutely had to have it. Haven't stopped buying puzzles yet! I not only rediscovered my love for puzzling ~ more importantly ~ I found a low impact activity that was able to focus on, and temporarily "forget" how much I was hurting. I've puzzled almost every single day since.
What makes you keep puzzling & how often do you puzzle?
The biggest puzzle influence that keeps me puzzling has been this amazing puzzle community that I've found on Instagram & Facebook. I started my Puzzlegram as a place to keep track of my puzzles. I never dreamed I'd find so many wonderful people that I have so much in common with. I also love discovering and supporting new companies, and beautiful art.
What is your favorite type of puzzles?
My favorite puzzles are usually full of vibrant color and 1000 - 1500 are my puzzle count sweet spots.
During puzzling sessions, do you listen to anything or puzzle in silence?
Sometimes I like get lost in my thoughts and puzzle in silence. Mostly listening to music is my jam. I tend to tune everything out while puzzling so listening to podcasts, TV or even audiobooks didn't work well for me. Music is perfect.
If you were to describe what puzzling means to you, what would it be?
Puzzling is life.
Tell us about your other interests & joys.
Have I mentioned how much I adore puzzles?
My other interests center around my family. Family is my world and the time I get with them is a gift I always treasure. As a family we love playing and finding new or unique board games.
Do you have anything you want to share?
Something I am excited (and nervous) about is attending my first speed puzzle event with my husband this August 2024 in Portland, OR.