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Electronic Fantasy

By Rowon

현대 세계에서 온 소녀가 지하의 비밀 문을 열었을 때, 그녀는 80~90년대 기계로 가득 찬 가상 공간을 발견했습니다. 인간은 아날로그에서 디지털로 전환하는 이 시기에 놀라운 발전을 이루었습니다. 이제 우리는 완전히 기술 세계에 살고 있습니다... 아날로그 시대로 돌아가시겠습니까?

조각: 1000
퍼즐 크기: 68 x 49 cm
상자 크기: 25 x 25 x 5.5 cm / 10 x 10 x 2.25인치
재질: 재활용 골판지
인쇄물: 무광 코팅된 식물성 잉크로 인쇄
보너스 아이템: 아트 엽서, 아트 포스터, 퍼즐 봉투
난이도: 까다로운 흐름

전세계 무료 배송 - 배송 시간은 거주 지역에 따라 영업일 기준 3-14일입니다. 현금 또는 신용 환불은 없지만 미싱피스, 손상된 제품 또는 상당한 배송 지연 및 배송 손실은 저희가 책임집니다.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
High quality experience

I was delighted by the packaging of the puzzle. I appreciated that there was no plastic. They use a button string closure to keep the puzzle pieces inside then envelope. I did not have to find scissors to open it, and when I am done with the puzzle I can reuse the envelope. The poster and postcard are such a nice touch.

fern ann seno
worth the wait

I love Rowon art, Thank you Soonness for making high quality puzzles🥰

Lisa Tran

I first discovered this artist from a SOONNESS puzzle. I love all the fun details and overall vibrant aesthetic of the artwork. I will definitely purchase the other puzzles featuring this artist’s work, in the near future.

Just wow

No words can it explain the quality of this puzzle. It was so satisfying how snug the pieces go together. And of course the art is so cute and amazing. Even though it’s really pricey but it was so worth it. I can’t wait to get another one.

Danielle Corneliusen

I love there's no plastic and it gives you a paper bag for sorting. This is a really solid puzzle box and peices. I feel these will last a very long time. I love this picture it's just so me. It gives me nostalgia. Gorgeous painting! I'm happy this company is helping artists and I can't wait to see the next puzzle I fall in love with from them.



Rowon은 한국에서 활동하는 일러스트레이터입니다. 수채화, 색연필, 아크릴 물감을 사용하여 귀엽고 믿을 수 없을 정도로 디테일한 삽화를 그립니다. 일상에서 소소한 즐거움을 찾는 Rowon은 작업을 통해 모든 평범한 순간을 특별하게 만들고, 평범한 삶에 마법 같은 일이 일어나면 어떨지 상상을합니다. 

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Electronic Fantasy Electronic Fantasy
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Electronic Fantasy

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Girl's Room

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Bubble Bath

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Dinner Time

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최근 본 제품

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
High quality experience

I was delighted by the packaging of the puzzle. I appreciated that there was no plastic. They use a button string closure to keep the puzzle pieces inside then envelope. I did not have to find scissors to open it, and when I am done with the puzzle I can reuse the envelope. The poster and postcard are such a nice touch.

fern ann seno
worth the wait

I love Rowon art, Thank you Soonness for making high quality puzzles🥰

Lisa Tran

I first discovered this artist from a SOONNESS puzzle. I love all the fun details and overall vibrant aesthetic of the artwork. I will definitely purchase the other puzzles featuring this artist’s work, in the near future.

Just wow

No words can it explain the quality of this puzzle. It was so satisfying how snug the pieces go together. And of course the art is so cute and amazing. Even though it’s really pricey but it was so worth it. I can’t wait to get another one.

Danielle Corneliusen

I love there's no plastic and it gives you a paper bag for sorting. This is a really solid puzzle box and peices. I feel these will last a very long time. I love this picture it's just so me. It gives me nostalgia. Gorgeous painting! I'm happy this company is helping artists and I can't wait to see the next puzzle I fall in love with from them.