Steff Shine
What's your name?
Stefanie :)
Where are you from?
When did you start puzzling?
I've been puzzling since I was a little child. My sister and I would sit on the floor and puzzle together.
What is your favorite piece count and why?
Definitely 1.000 pieces – they are the perfect mix of being easy and challenging at the same time. They also have the perfect size.
What is your favorite type of art?
I love puzzles that match my vibe: pretty and cool artwork, bright colors with small details and words always catch my eyes.
What makes you keep puzzling and how often do you puzzle?
It depends on how busy I am but one puzzle per month is in. Puzzles are addictive haha once i sit down and puzzle it's hard to stop. It helps me clear my overthinking mind.
What is your go to drink/snack when you puzzle?
Green tea! :) sometimes I snack some fruits too!
Tell us a little bit about your other joys.
I love to make art - painting is one of my favorite hobbies beside baking. I also like going to the gym or for a walk while listening to music with my noise-cancelling headphones. I love watching the sunset but nothing makes me happier than spending time with my family, friends or cute animals.