Puzzling Snicks
What's your name?
We are Stan and Nicole Kost.
Where are you from?
Nicole is from Arkansas and Texas; Stan’s from Oregon.
When did you start puzzling?
We both started when we were young kids.
What is your favorite piece count and why?
We mostly do 1,000-piece puzzles, but we sometimes like 500-piece snack puzzles, too!
What is your favorite type of art?
Stan likes both minimalism and cartoon art; Nicole also likes minimalism and cartoon art, but she also has a passion for Pre-Raphaelite art.
What makes you keep puzzling and how often do you puzzle?
There’s nothing like the little satisfaction that comes with placing each piece, and that feeling keeps us going time and time again. There’s almost always a puzzle on the table; oftentimes, the next puzzle has been chosen and is on the table before the previous one’s been broken up and put away!
What is your go to drink/snack when you puzzle?
Nicole usually has a water bottle or hot tea going, while Stan’s probably drinking a soda or a cup of chai.
Tell us a little bit about your other joys.
We’re both active in our church in different roles. We also like streaming TV shows and movies, reading, writing, and drawing.