What's your name?
Allison & Matt
Where are you from?
Rochester, NY
When did you start puzzling?
I did some puzzling as a kid, but I really started doing it more a couple years ago. Partly because I needed to find activities I could do that were less active as I have multiple sclerosis. It also helps me de-stress from work and get off of screens as my job involves a lot of computer work. Matt started puzzling with me and also likes it as a way to get his mind off things and relax.
What is your favorite piece count and why?
We don’t have much space so pretty much have to keep it 1000 or under. We do have a few 1500 we hope to find room to make happen. Maybe in summer we can do them outside.
What is your favorite type of art?
We love puzzle art with bright colors. I struggle with dark colors. We love puzzles with lots of details to discover versus those that are more solid or repeating patterns.
What makes you keep puzzling and how often do you puzzle?
We often puzzle either after dinner or on weekends. I wish I could say we had time to do it everyday but we definitely don’t. In the winter we have more time than in summer as we try to be outside more.
What is your go to drink/snack when you puzzle?
We rarely eat while puzzling since it’s usually after dinner. Often we’ll enjoy a homemade kombucha; occasionally we enjoy a wine/beer.
Tell us a little bit about your other joys.
We started a puzzle library in our neighborhood and it has been so fun to see so many people use it! We love having it! Outside of puzzling, we love to kayak. We live near the finger lakes in NYS so we’re working to kayak all of those. We also love to play games and listen to records. Matt’s record collection will pretty much always be bigger than my puzzle collection so it’s perfect!