Tammy McLeod
What's your name?
Tammy McLeod
Where are you based?
Los Angeles, California
Tell us about what your ordinary day looks like.
I lead a busy life as a full time software engineer, a wife, and a mom. Jigsaws usually happen late at night during my me-time.
How did you get into the world of puzzling?
I’ve always been a puzzler, but I’ve become a lot more active and well known in the community since I helped start the USAJPA (USA Jigsaw Puzzle Association) in my quest to get more US competitors to attend the World Jigsaw Puzzle Championships.
What makes you keep puzzling & how often do you puzzle?
I puzzle a few days a week, whenever I can find a free hour or two. Right now I puzzle to train for World’s, but when I puzzle for fun, it’s because I love the serotonin rush from placing pieces in the right place.
What is your favorite type of puzzles?
For cardboard puzzles, I prefer grid cut, with bright colors,. For wooden puzzles, I love clever whimsies, alternate solutions, or images that emerge in the cut only after assembly.
During puzzling sessions, do you listen to anything or puzzle in silence?
I listen to fast music in the vague hope that it makes me move faster, haha!
If you were to describe what puzzling means to you, what would it be?
Puzzling means a few different things to me. As a competitor, it is a form of achievement. On a personal level, it is a way of constantly challenging my brain and keeping myself mentally healthy.
Tell us about your other interests & joys.
I have so many other interests: escape rooms, puzzle hunts, sudoku, dance (ballroom, tap, salsa etc), singing, costume making, piano playing.
Do you have anything you want to share?
I suppose if you’re reading this, you’re probably interested in puzzles. If you live in the US, join the USA Jigsaw Puzzle Association! We’re planning the second National Championships and Convention in March 2024. Join us!