Pieces of the Picture
What's your name?
Yvonne Feucht
Where are you from?
Los Angeles
When did you start puzzling?
I started puzzling with my mom when I was a kid.
What is your favorite piece count and why?
500 for speed puzzling, because it's the usual count for contests and it's the perfect amount of time, around an hour. 1000 to relax and take my time, it's just long enough to give me a sense of accomplishment and short enough not to annoy my family for having a puzzle out on the table for that long.
What is your favorite type of art?
I love colorful fun art. Like Marine Life and Forest Life!
What makes you keep puzzling and how often do you puzzle?
I use puzzling to quiet my busy mind and literally bring order to chaos. My life is pretty chaotic with juggling the family's schedules, long work hours, self care and hobbies. Puzzling helps make me stop and focus my mind for a little bit.
What is your go to drink/snack when you puzzle?
In the morning I like to drink ice tea and the evening water. My snacks vary between various Asian snacks that I grew up on or some chips. I prefer the salty snacks to sweet.
Tell us a little bit about your other joys.
I have a 7 year old kiddo who's amazing and a wonderful husband. I also love doing escape rooms.